March 2018 – On Your Own in front of an Administrative Tribunal : when David confronts Goliath

By Me Alexandre Sigouin The final level of contestation of a decision from an administrative organism is the Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) for industrial accidents and the Tribunal administratif du Québec (TAQ) for car accidents and Retraite Québec. It is your last chance to assert your rights. Do not miss this opportunity! Unfortunately, people…

August 2018 – My Employer Wants to Validate My Work Capacity with a Second Expertise. Must He Pay My Salary?

By Me Soudy Bakary Disability insurance salary covers the payment of salary in case of disability to accomplish work tasks during a certain period generally determined in an insurance contract. Disability is defined in the individual or collective insurance contract. Proof of disability consists of a medical certificate issued by the attending doctor or specialist.…